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April is National Card & Letter Writing Month

header It's National Card & Letter Writing Month, so we thought we'd share some of our favorite "just because" cards.




Who doesn't love receiving a hand-written card in the mail?  So stop in, say hello, and pick up a few to send to your favorite people.  And as always, keep up with us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates (like what's inside this package from our brand new line, Pink Orchid Press.  We don't even know yet!)


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Why letterpress? An introduction to our specialty

Why do we love letterpress?  So glad you asked! Letterpress is, in our opinion, the most luxurious artisanal printing method, offering a textural and extremely sophisticated look.  It is a relief printing method, where the raised surface of a metal or polymer plate is inked and then hand-pressed - not onto, but into - a thick sheet of cotton or bamboo paper, leaving rich color and a deep impression. Letterpress cards will make a serious impression (ha!) on anyone you send them to.  Check. This. Out.



While letterpress is the oldest type of printing, dating back to the 15th century where letters were set in place by hand, modern innovations have made the possibilities with the printing method almost endless.  At The Windmill, we specialize in letterpress printing.  We carry six of the top custom letterpress stationery lines in the country, and most of our preprinted products are letterpress as well.



All of these designs are available to customize at The Windmill.  Letterpress printing still not your thing?  We also offer digital, offset, engraving, foil-stamping, embossing, and more.

Call, email, make an appointment, or just stop in when we're open to discuss your next project.  You dream it, we'll create it!
